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Valentine’s Day Heart Chakra Infusion Workshop

THANKS TO ALL WHO PRE-REGSITERED! This workshop is now filled. Stay tuned for the next one in the spring!

Sunday February 10th  2:00-3:30pm / $55 (space is limited / pre-registration is required)

Pamper Yourself with: Floating Crystal Meditations, Singing Bowls, Aromatherapy, Essential Oils, Crystal Elixirs. All tuned to support your Heart Chakra!

TAKE HOME GOODIES: Essential oils, crystals, candles and MORE!

Led by: DeBorah Goletz, Reiki Master and Certified Crystal Healer

Earlier Event: January 26
Sip-n-Paint ~ Paint a Dream Catcher!
Later Event: February 17
KIRTAN with Sharon & Larry Roll