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Magical New Moon & Solar Eclipse Ritual w/ Robin Rose Bennett

New Moon Circle with Robin Rose Bennett

Friday August 18, 2017 ~ 7:30- 9:00pm ~ Cost: $20

We are growing a community of supportive, beautiful “wise women”. The world needs us now more than ever!

We will gather together in a women’s circle to meditate and continue to practice the magic of cultivating inner vision and setting an intention with the powerful transformative energy of the solar eclipse of this upcoming new moon!  Explore how the rhythms of the moon guide you to plant your vision seed, bring it to fullness, and incorporate the effects of having practiced that intention over the month. Come sip a delicious tea prepared by Robin Rose with fresh and seasonal herbs, light a candle, and experience a new sense of connection and purpose in your life. Other surprises in store!

Robin Rose Bennett, founder of Wisewoman Healing Ways: Herbal Medicine and EarthSpirit Teachings, has been offering classes and events since 1986 at herb conferences, festivals, community clinics, medical and nursing schools, and most joyously, outside with the plants in community gardens, public parks, and on city streets. She is the author of Healing Magic- A Green Witch Guidebook to Conscious Living-10th anniversary edition and The Gift of Healing Herb- Plant Medicines and Home Remedies for a Vibrantly Healthy Life. For more information on our lovely presenter, please visit:


New Moon Circle ~ REGISTRATION:

*Cash, credit cards and checks made payable to “Country Flow Yoga” are accepted forms of payment. To reserve a spot, please fill out the form below:

Earlier Event: August 12
Healing with Crystals: SOLD OUT!
Later Event: August 27
KIRTAN with Sharon & Larry Roll